Sunday, November 28, 2010

congratulations Pat & Jackie 11.27.10

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Congratulations Steven & Ronda 11.24.10

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All Saints Sunday

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All Saints Sunday

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Monday, November 22, 2010

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Reformation Festival

In addition to the games listed below we also enjoyed some other games.

We had a Fishers of Men fishing pond:When Jesus called his first disciples, they were fishermen. When Jesus called them he said, come and I will make you fishers of men (Mark 1:17)

A Diet of Worms Gummy Worm eating contest:
In 1521 Luther was called to a meeting (a Diet) in the town of Worms to recant, or denounce all the books he had written as being wrong. He said, “Here I stand I can do no other.”

Knock the Devil off his perch ball toss:
As legend goes, Luther had just begun the translation of the Bible into German. Satan saw the handwriting on the wall and was furious. His demons gave him no rest day or night. . . . At last Luther took his inkwell and threw it at the devil! The mark is still to be seen on the wall in his room in Wartburg Castle.

Pin the 95 Thesis on the door:
Upset over many things he thought were wrong in the church, in October of 1517 Luther posted a list of what he thought was wrong and needed reforming in the church. He posted them on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg as a way of calling for a public debate on the issues. Instead they started a revolt known as the reformation.

And the winner of the Pickled Nun Run-- A Jar of Pickled Herring

Pickled Nun Run

On Easter Eve 1523 Luther sent a delivery of several barrels of pickled herring to a convent near Grimma. Several of the nuns had been reading Luther’s works and wanted to escape the convent. They hid in the empty barrels and made their way to back to Wittenberg. All the nuns were married off to former priests except one, Katharina von Bora who refused to marry anyone but Luther. They had six children and Luther called her his “Morning Star.”

Throw the indulgences in the trash three legged race

Martin Luther didn't think much of the sale of indulgences, to him they were just trash. So let's have a three legged race to throw them in the trash.

Simul lustus et peccator (w)rap

Luther calls Christians "simultaneously saint and sinner" because he redefines "saint" as a forgiven sinner. We are called saints not because we change into something different but because our relationship with God changes as a result of God's grace.

Remember your baptism apple air dunk

Luther saw Baptism as God’s way of telling us we are loved and will always be a child of God. We are to remember our baptism every day and whenever water hits our face, it is a good time to do that. Because of germs however we air-dunk for apples to remember our baptism and remember that sin has no power over us.

A Mighty Fortress Canstruction

Luther wrote many songs and thought music was an essential part of worship. Some of his songs, like A Mighty Fortress, were popular songs of the day to which Luther wrote new words. This is a reminder that all types of music are acceptable for worship.

moose just love the flowers

Oops! or Arson? We will never know

Someone lit "1984" on fire and set it up next to the church. Maybe a kid playing, maybe anger being played out, we will never know. Luther bear is sad at the damage, but life goes on and Kevin Armstrong did an excellent job fixing the hole and making it whole.

Congratulations JT & Katie