Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Reformation Festival

In addition to the games listed below we also enjoyed some other games.

We had a Fishers of Men fishing pond:When Jesus called his first disciples, they were fishermen. When Jesus called them he said, come and I will make you fishers of men (Mark 1:17)

A Diet of Worms Gummy Worm eating contest:
In 1521 Luther was called to a meeting (a Diet) in the town of Worms to recant, or denounce all the books he had written as being wrong. He said, “Here I stand I can do no other.”

Knock the Devil off his perch ball toss:
As legend goes, Luther had just begun the translation of the Bible into German. Satan saw the handwriting on the wall and was furious. His demons gave him no rest day or night. . . . At last Luther took his inkwell and threw it at the devil! The mark is still to be seen on the wall in his room in Wartburg Castle.

Pin the 95 Thesis on the door:
Upset over many things he thought were wrong in the church, in October of 1517 Luther posted a list of what he thought was wrong and needed reforming in the church. He posted them on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg as a way of calling for a public debate on the issues. Instead they started a revolt known as the reformation.


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