Thursday, January 19, 2006


Congratulations to Sydney and Kyle on your engagement

Monday, January 16, 2006

Heather and Jason Zollman

Congratulations on your wedding
January 7th 2006
Elmendorf AFB
Anchorage, Alaska

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Music, Music, Music

Rose plays a mean mandolin

after church

it is time to smile
even if the lights make you blue

Jan 15th after church

Pastors gather and the consonant Y’s gather
Sydney and Kyle styling in their black jackets
and Lyla's coffee is almost as good as they made in ND

after church Jan 14th

must have coffee and cookies

to keep Sunday School going

after church Jan 15th

Sandy is a proud grandma while Steph gets to hold the coats

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Luther starts the bloging craze with the 95 thesis